Friday, January 11, 2013

Essential to English Language Learning

My students have taught me so many folk dances over the semester, I decided to teach them the "Wobble" on the last day of class. I wish I had video evidence of me attempting to do the "Kolbasti" and "Horon" as well, my students only chose to record this one. Next term.

One of my students told me that if climate change was called "global freezing", people would pay more attention. It's -11 F and I'm about to go skiing. Why did people decide to settle on this frigid steppe? Paris, Warsaw and Detroit are going to be balmy.


  1. love this! next you have to teach them how to country line dance ;) love the blog and really enjoy reading about everything. missed seeing you in TN at Christmas!

  2. Good post about English Learning it is very useful for students

    Language learning, teaching
